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  • Atendimento Psicológico Online

    PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT ONLINE What is? Research carried out about online psychotherapy, have been demonstrating effectiveness as well as the treatments performed by face-to-face therapy sessions. This modality, duly approved by the Federal Council of Psychology, proves to be very useful when the patient has difficulties with their schedules or even with physical distance. We know that, for psychotherapy to be effective, an adequate relationship between the psychologist and the person who requests their services is essential. This therapeutic relationship, thanks to technological advances, can be produced both in person and also the distance. Would you like to know more or schedule an appointment with Dr Patricia Muñoz? Click below and send us a message. schedule an appointment

  • Sobre

    MY STORY Link to Lattes Curriculum I have a degree in Psychology with a specialization in Neuropsychology from Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, USP. I completed my Master's and Doctorate at the Institute of Psychology at USP. During my Master's I researched animal-assisted therapy and interaction with children with autism and in my PhD I studied how children with autism recognize emotions. During my PhD I was also able to study at Harvard Medical School where I completed, among other subjects, a course on Child Psychotherapy and another on risky and self-injurious behaviors. I worked for 16 years as the maintainer and clinical director of a special education school, which gave me the opportunity to get to know and study several clinical cases such as cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and autism spectrum disorder. After these years leading the special education school and the multidisciplinary clinic, I moved to Houston, Texas and worked for 2 years as the Coordinator of an organization that assists refugee children and adolescents. It was an excellent experience and I was able to work with clinical cases involving trauma and cultural adaptation. With all this clinical background and my academic knowledge, I believe I can accompany you at every step, whether in clinical care, online guidance or in your training, through my courses. Lara Ramos, SLPA Lara é nossa Fonoaudióloga Associada, ela é formada em Fonoaudiologia pela Associação Pestalozzi. Lara também possui curso em avaliação e tratamento de transtorno oro-motor. Lara atende clientes em Português, Inglês e Espanhol. Ana Flavia Ceolin, RBT, ASD-CS Ana é psicóloga e academic coach . Especialista em autismo (Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist ) e mestranda em Análise do Comportamento , Ana auxilia nossos clientes que precisam de estimulação cognitiva e acompanhamento escolar. Tatiana Sena Tatiana é psicóloga e academic coach . Pós-graduada em Psicologia Analítica e mestranda em Saúde Mental , Tatiana auxilia nossos clientes que precisam de estimulação cognitiva e acompanhamento escolar. Equipe Clínica Naomi Lopez, MS, CCC-SLP Naomi é nossa fonoaudióloga Supervisora. Naomi se formou na Universidade de New York e possui mestrado em Distúrbios de Comunicação. Naomi é bilíngue e atende nossos clientes em Espanhol e Inglês. Jacquilyn Arias,MA,CCC-SLP Jacquilyn é nossa Fonoaudióloga Supervisora e Consultora. Ela se formou na Universidade de Houston e tem mestrado em Distúrbios de Comunicação Dra Tamara Lopretti, PhD Dra Tamara Lopretti é nossa Academic Coach. Com Doutorado em Pedagogia pela Unicamp, Dra Tamara atende nossos clientes que precisam de estimulação cognitiva e apoio psicopedagógico. Ediany de Souza, MS, LPC Ediany é nossa Counselor e atende crianças, adolescentes, adultos e casais. Ela é formada em Psicologia e tem Mestrado em Saúde Mental. Ediany atende clientes em Português e Inglês.

  • Psicóloga | Dra Patricia Muñoz

    DR. PATRICIA MUÑOZ, PHD With you at every step. Sign up and receive tips ONLINE COURSES Take a course with Dr Patricia Muñoz SERVICES With you at every step. Are you trying to overcome any obstacles in your life? Sometimes seeking help from an expert is the best way to put things in perspective. As a professional and committed Clinical Psychologist, your well-being and mental health is my number one priority. I am happy to guide you through all challenges with the attention and care you deserve. Contact Online Psychological Guidance NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPY PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR ADOLESCENTS FAMILY GUIDANCE AND ADULT CARE SUPERVISION AND CONSULTANCY ONLINE COURSES CONTACT Name Email Subject Message To send Thanks for submitting!

  • Cursos online


  • Consultoria e Supervisão

    CONSULTANCY AND SUPERVISION Would you like to improve your care in ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) or in cognitive behavioral therapy? If your answer is YES, contact Dr Patricia Muñoz to schedule a conversation about how clinical supervision works. It will be a pleasure to contribute to their professional development. If you are a clinic or school owner, contact Dr Patricia Muñoz and bring world-class information and knowledge to your therapists, teachers or clients. You can also take a course with Dr Patricia Muñoz, click here to see the courses we offer. contact me Know more about me

  • Serviços

    CLINICAL CARE CHILD PSYCHOTHERAPY Through playful interventions and guidelines families, psychotherapy childish have how goal identify the challenges that the child is going through and plan a treatment assertive, offering all the support required. the psychotherapy childish offered through the Dr Patricia Muñoz is based on the therapy behavioral cognitive. PSYCHOTHERAPY FOR ADOLESCENTS The word that defines adolescence is change! Dr Patricia Muñoz offers cognitive behavioral care to help adolescents solve any difficulties that may exist at this stage and contribute to a successful transition to adulthood. ADULT CARE AND FAMILY GUIDANCE Cognitive behavioral therapy is successful in clinical cases such as depression, anxiety, panic and obsessive compulsive disorders. For these clinical cases, Dr Patricia Muñoz offers individual care for adults. All families will receive the necessary support to contribute to the success of the therapeutic interventions, so Dr Patricia Muñoz will be an ally of your family throughout the process, step by step! NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL AND PSYCHODIAGNOSTIC EVALUATION Neuropsychological assessment aims to assess cognitive and practical functions to provide a better understanding of child and adolescent functioning. The functions evaluated are: attention and concentration, processing speed, memory, language, executive functions, motor coordination, among others. Neuropsychological assessment contributes to the formation of a diagnosis and also to the clinical treatment plan. Psychodiagnosis, in turn, offers a better understanding of the challenges that the child or adolescent may be facing. passing and what is the function of this behavior that may be maladjusted. The psychodiagnostic contributes to planning clinical or school treatment.

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